2024-2027 Transportation Improvement (TIP) Amendment #1

The New River Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is amending its 2024-27 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The amendment is to add a recipient and funding for Paratransit Vehicles. New River Valley Senior Services (Pulaski Area Transit) will be added. It is available for review at the offices of the Towns of Blacksburg and Christiansburg, the City of Radford, and the Montgomery and Pulaski County. It is also available on the MPO website: www.newrivervalleympo.org. A draft amendment to the TIP is available. Deadline for written comments: 5:00 PM October 25, 2023; comments will also be taken at the MPO Policy Board meeting at 2:00 PM on November 2, 2023 at the Montgomery County Government Center.


The November 16, 2023 NRV MPO Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting is Canceled.


The October 5, 2023 NRV MPO Policy Board Meeting is Canceled